Emacs Text Editor For Mac


Emacs Editor For Windows

Emacs for Mac. HTML / Text Editor / Web Development; An Editor for Text, HTML, LaTeX, C++, Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP, and more. Emacs is back with a vengeance. I recently got a new MacBook and have developed the need for some native Emacs goodness. Mac text/code editor [closed] Ask Question. Up vote 171 down vote favorite. Aquamacs definitely binds the Mac UX onto Emacs primarily for Mac users who are used to a certain behavior. Longtime Emacs users will have to unlearn which is why it is not a good choice for them. Conversly, Mac users will find the normal Emacs UX odd.

Simple Text Editor For Mac

Aquamacs is a user-friendly build of the powerful text editor. Aquamacs integrates with the Mac and offers the same comforts that any application on the Mac provides. Yet, it comes with all the ergonomy and extensibility you've come to expect from GNU Emacs.

I used to use Dragon. Thanks again. Steep learning curve for a southern drawl. I’m currently dictating this blog comment with my dragon 13 and for short content creation I actually get more than 99% accuracy with it. Speech to text software for mac.

It's beeen adapted by, based on GNU Emacs by Richard Stallman and many others. Aquamacs has been available for about a decade and is used daily by thousands of academics, programmers, and authors. It is backed by two strong communities: Aquamacs users, and Emacs enthusiasts on all computing platforms (GNU/Linux/Unix, Windows, Mac).